Laytaka Ma’ana Lyrics – Maher Zain

Laytaka Ma’ana Lyrics

Languages: Arabic, Roman Arabic, and English Translation

Lyrics & Translation:

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

تَهدينا سبيلاً يَنفعُنا
( Tahdīnā sabīlan yanfa’unā)
to guide us to the best path

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

ما كنا ضَلَلنا أو ضِعنَا
( Mā kunnā ḍallalnā ‘aw ḍi’nā)
We wouldn’t have gone astray or become lost

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

بزمانِنا يا رسول الله
( Bizamanina yā Rasūl Allah)
in our time, O Messenger of Allah!

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

نَشبَعُ نَظَرًا حين نَراكَ
( Nashba’u naẓaran ĥīna narāka)
We’d feel contented when we see you

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

ونُصَلِّي وراءَكَ نلْقَاكَ
( Wa nuṣallī warā’aka nilqāka)
We’d pray behind you and meet you

ونُقَبِّلُ كفّيكَ ونَسعَد
( Wa nuqabbilu kaffayka wa nasa’ad)
We’d kiss your hands and rejoice

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

نروي لك عما يُوجعُنا
( Narwī laka ‘ammā yūji’una)
We’d tell you about everything that’s troubling us

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

لتَبُوحَ إليك مدامِعُنا
( Latabūha ilaika madāmi’unā)
our falling tears would divulge everything to you

ونَنالَ برِفْقَتِكَ الجنة
( Wa nanāla birifqatika al-jannah)
We’d attain Paradise in your company

و نعيمَ المَوْلَى في عُلاه
( Wa ni’ama al-Mawlā fi ‘ulāh)
and the blessings of the Almighty Lord

ليتك معنا بزماننا
( Laitak ma’ana bizamānina)
If only you were with us in our time

يا رسول الله
( Yā Rasūl Allah)
O Messenger of Allah!

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

ما كان بأُمتِنا فقير
( Mā kāna bi-ummātinā faqīr)
There wouldn’t be anyone poor in our Ummah

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

نَرْعَى يتيمًا .. نُؤوِي كسير
( Nar’ā yatīman .. nu’wī kasīran)
We’d care for the orphan and the sick

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

بزماننا يا رسول الله
( Bizamanina yā Rasūl Allah)
in our time, O Messenger of Allah!

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

ما امتَلأت دُنيانا مَعاصي
( Mā imtala’at dunyānā ma’āṣī)
our world wouldn’t have been filled with sins

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

ما غَدا القلبُ كحَجَرٍ قاسِي
( Mā ghada al-qalbu kaḥajarīn qāsī)
our hearts wouldn’t have been as hard as a rock

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

بزماننا يا رسول الله
( Bizamanina yā Rasūl Allah)
in our time, O Messenger of Allah!

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

ما تُهْنَا في ظَلام الجهلِ
( Mā tuhnā fī żalām al-jahl)
we wouldn’t be lost in the darkness of ignorance

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

ما أَغْفَلْنا دَوْرَ العقلِ
( Mā ‘aghflanā dawra al-‘aql)
We wouldn’t have neglected the role of reason and intellect

وَتَراجَعْنَا بينَ الأُمَمِ
( Wa tarāja’nā bayna al-‘ummah)
and we wouldn’t have fallen behind in standing among nations

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

نَرفَعُ ظُلمًا، نَنْصرُ حقَّا
( Narfa’u żulman, nanṣuru ḥaqqa)
We’d uproot injustice and uphold the truth

ليتك معنا
( Laitak ma’ana)
If only you were with us

ما انقَسمت أُمَّتُنا فِرَقا
( Mā inqasamat ummatunā firaqā)
Our Ummah wouldn’t have become divided into factions

بسلامٍ نَحيا وبقُوَّة
( Bislāmin naḥyā wa biquwwah)
We’d live peacefully while possessing strength

لنُعَمِّرَ في أرض الله
( Linu’ammira fī arḍ Allah)
And we’d build and contribute to God’s earth

ليتك معنا بزماننا
( Laitak ma’ana bizamānina)
If only you were with us in our time

يا رسول الله
( Yā Rasūl Allah)
O Messenger of Allah!

Directed by: Idris Kheder
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Lyrics & Melody: Dalia Emara
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Bjorn Engelman
EP Photography: David Lagerlöf
EP Artwork Design: Mohamed Ali Dhifet

Special Thanks:
Carthage+, Israa Sherif، Samia Jabri, Wafa Ben Soltan


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